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Doctor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Distinguished Professor of Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo

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CV 2022
*** Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) since Dec. 6, 2019.
*** Distinguished professor since July 1, 2014.
*** Full professor since November 16, 2004.
*** Moved from Room 8-725 to Room 2-63D4 on Feb. 28, 2006.

Cross Apointment Fellow at AIST April 2015-March 2020.

President of The Fullereneces, Nanotubes, and Graphene Research Socieity April 2011-March 2020

Steering Committee Co-Chair of International Conferences on Science and Appolication of Nanotubes and Low-Dimensional Materials Since 2014.

Research Supervisor of JST CREST project, Creation of Innovative Core Technologies for Nano-enabled Thermal Management, since 2018..

Director of Collaborative Research Organization for Micro and Nano Multifunctional Devices, UTokyo, since 2019.

Director of UTokyo Wrestling club of Athletic Foundation of UTokyo from April 1, 2015

MEM Program (International Graduate Program in Mechanical, Electrical and Materials Engineering)
Micro-Nano Fabrication lab. organized by 4 Universities consortium(LAB4U) in NANOBIC
PKU-UTokyo Joint Research Center of Excellence for Nanocarbons (JRCOE@PKU-UTokyo)

Nanotube Site , NanoTherm Site , Link to Journals

Carbon Nanotubes: Preparation, Characterization and Applications (#227) in Pacifichem 2015 at Honolulu (Dec. 15-20, 2015)
 US-J NanoTransport at Ise-Shima (Dec. 11-14, 2011) Note: site and dates are changed.
7th US-Japan Joint Seminar on Nanoscale Transport Phenomena--Science and Engineering--
Organized by S. Maruyama (U. Tokyo), K. Fushinobu (Tokyo Tech), L. Shi (U. Texas), and J. Lukes (U. Penn.)
Carbon Nanotubes and Nano-Carbon Materials: Preparation, Characterization, and Applications (#135) in Pacifichem 2010 at Honolulu (Dec. 15-20, 2010) Thank you for your contribution!
WONTON '09 at Matsushima (June 7-10, 2009) 3rd Workshop on Nanotube Optics & Nanospectroscopy Organized by Shigeo Maruyama, Riichiro Saito Thank you for your contribution!
CNTNE 2009 at Matsushima (June 9-12, 2009)


Journal Editorial Works (Link to Journals of my interest)

Carbon Nanotubes Handbook of Numerical
Heat Transfer
Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes: Preparation, Property and Application
Topics Adv. Phys.
Wiley HP, Amazon Springer, Topics in Current Chemistry
Chap.21 MD Method for
Micro/Nano Systems
Edited by Yan Li and Shigeo Maruyama

Contents (Updated April 29, 2014)

Fullerene & Molecular Heat Transfer Research Projects

Inside Lab. Information (Password is required)
Contact: maruyama [at]