庄司正弘名誉教授 論文集

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Updated: Oct. 15, 2014

I.ご略歴  II. 邦文論文  III.英文論文  IV. 資料  V. 写真など  VI. リンク

I. ご略歴

II. 論文

  1. 対オリフィスからの気泡発生特性とモデル, [共著者: 丹下 学], 日本機械学会論文集, 70巻690号(2004-2),348-355.頁.[DOI: 10.1016/10.1299/kikaib.70.348]
  2. 等温系気液二相流の流動様式と遷移の簡易モデル, [共著者: 伊藤浩二, 井上 満, 小澤守], 日本機械学会論文集, 70巻689号(2004-1),151-158頁.[DOI: 10.1016/10.1299/kikaib.70.151]
  3. カオス・フラクタル熱工学M&E, M&E, 2003年3月号,180-182頁
  4. 等温気液二相流の差圧変動特性と流動様式の同定, [共著者: 伊藤浩二, 宮崎大輔], 日本機械学会論文集, 68巻,671号(2002-7), pp.2079-2085.[DOI: 10.1016/10.1299/kikaib.68.2079]
  5. 沸騰のカオス研究機械の研究,養賢堂, 第54巻第1号,151- 157頁(平成14年1月)
  6. 非線形気泡生成, [共著者: 阿部憲幸, 佐井嵐子, 野上重利], 機械の研究,養賢堂 , 第54巻第1号,103- 107頁(平成14年1月)
  7. 機械設計者が押さえておきたい熱設計の基礎事項機械設計, 日刊工業新聞社, 45巻, 5号, 16-19頁, 2001年。
  8. 単一キャビティからの非線形発泡挙動に関する実験的研究, [共著者: 高木裕登], 日本機械学会論文集, B編66巻, 第652号, 156-163, 2000年。.[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.66.652_3196]
  9. 熱流体のカオス,フラクタル(1)機械の研究,養賢堂, 第52巻,10号,1-7頁,2000年.
  10. 熱流体のカオス,フラクタル(2)機械の研究,養賢堂, 第52巻,10号,35-43頁,2000年.
  11. 熱流体のカオス,フラクタル(3)機械の研究,養賢堂, 第52巻,10号,30-38頁,2000年.
  12. 一様加熱垂直円管内強制流動沸騰の限界熱流束点の流動パターン, [共著者: 横谷定雄,渡辺誠], 可視化学会誌, 17巻2号,153-156頁,1997年.
  13. 一様加熱垂直円管内流動沸騰の上流限界熱流束, [共著者: 横谷定雄,渡辺誠,], 日本機械学会論文集, B62巻597号,1898-1905頁,1996年..[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.62.1898]
  14. 水中に置かれた金属細線の急速加熱による圧力発生, [共著者: 上野一郎,山崎素継,若松賢太郎], 日本機械学会論文集, B62巻598号,2331-1337頁,1996年..[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.62.2331]
  15. 接触角のヒステリシスに関する研究(沸騰における加熱面のぬれの問題に関連して), [共著者: 張暁毅], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 58巻,550号,1853-1859頁,1992年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.58.1853]
  16. 遷移沸騰熱伝達に関する研究(水平加熱面上の水の定常実験), [共著者: 黄子諒,横谷定雄], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 58巻,551号,2214-2220頁,1992年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.58.2214]
  17. 沸騰熱伝達における微細気泡発生現象の観察, [共著者: 吉原正博], 可視化情報, 11巻,2号2,143-148頁,1991年
  18. 分子動力学法による遠赤外線スペクトルの研究, [共著者: 松本壮平, 丸山茂夫, 小竹 進], 日本機械学会論文集, B編, 第57巻, 541号, 3306-3309頁, 1991年。[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.57.3306]
  19. 境界要素法による熱伝導逆問題の解法に関する研究, [共著者: 小野直樹], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 54巻,506号,2893-2900頁,1988年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.54.2893]
  20. 急激な温度こう配をつけた水中で生じる小規模蒸気爆発の研究(冷却液サブクール効果についての検討), [共著者: 高木二郎,川永慶治,田中尚文], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 52巻,479号,2633-2639頁,1986年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.52.2633]
  21. 水平加熱面上のプール飽和沸騰における極小熱流束に関する実験的研究(R113を用いた低中圧実験), [共著者: 長野秀信], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 52巻,478号,2431-2436頁,1986年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.52.2431]
  22. 揮発性低温液滴が高温液面に衝突したときの現象挙動とその温度特性, [共著者: 高木二郎], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 51巻,468号,2614-2620頁,1985年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.51.2614]
  23. 高温加熱面と衝突サブクール液滴間の熱伝達(非ぬれ領域における伝熱特性), [共著者: 涌永隆夫,児玉健], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 50巻,451号,716-723頁,1984年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.50.716]
  24. 静止溶融すず-流氷系で生ずる小規模水蒸気爆発に関する実験的研究, [共著者: 高木二郎], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 49巻,446号,2190-2199頁,1983年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.49.2190]
  25. 水中落下溶融すずに生ずる小規模水蒸気爆発に関する実験的研究, [共著者: 高木二郎], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 48巻,433号,1768-1774頁,1982年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.48.1768]
  26. 水平加熱面上の膜沸騰した限界に関する研究(飽和液の場合の理論的研究), [共著者: 高木二郎], 日本機械学会論文集B編, 48巻,435号,2324-2334頁,1982年[DOI: 10.1299/kikaib.48.2324]
  27. 相変化を伴う熱伝導問題の数値解法, 日本機械学会論文集(第2部), 44巻,381号,1624-1632頁,1978年[DOI: 10.1299/kikai1938.44.1624]
  28. 非定常熱伝導の逆問題に関する研究, 日本機械学会論文集(第2部), 44巻,381号,1633-1643頁,(1977年)[DOI: 10.1299/kikai1938.44.1633]
  29. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(8)機械の研究, 27巻,1号,79-82頁,1975年
  30. 凍結問題の数値解法,冷凍, 50巻,573号,15-22頁,1975年
  31. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(1)機械の研究, 26巻,6号,809-813頁,1974年
  32. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(2)機械の研究, 26巻,7号,935-939頁,1974年
  33. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(3)機械の研究, 26巻,8号,1065-1068頁,1974年
  34. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(4)機械の研究, 26巻,9号,1183-1186頁,1974年
  35. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(5)機械の研究, 26巻,10号,1303-1306頁,1974年
  36. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(6)機械の研究, 26巻,11号,1449-1452頁,1974年
  37. 表面張力に関連した熱,流体問題(7)機械の研究, 26巻,12号,1585-1587頁,1974年
  38. 自由液膜流の研究(第1報,層流自由液膜流の実験的研究), 日本機械学会論文集 第2部, 39巻,321号,1568-1577頁,1973年)[DOI: 10.1299/kikai1938.39.1568]
  39. 自由液膜流の研究(第2報,層流自由液膜流の理論的研究), 日本機械学会論文集 第2部, 39巻,321号,1578-1585頁,1973年[DOI: 10.1299/kikai1938.39.1578]
  40. 気ほう・固体面間の薄液膜形成機構(沸騰熱伝達に関連して), [共著者: 甲藤好郎], 日本機械学会論文集第2部, 第2部,35巻,271号,634-642頁,1969年.[DOI: 10.1299/kikai1938.35.634]

III. 英文論文

  1. Characteristics of Water Flow in a Vertical Micro Tube, [coauthor(s): Xiaoping Wang and Makoto Watanabe], J. Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol.11, No.6 (2003), pp.5158. [http://www.htsj.or.jp/TSE/TSE11.html]
  2. Chaos in Nucleate Boiling - Nonlinear Analysis and Modelling-, [coauthor(s): Renauld Mosdorf], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.47, No.6-7, March 2004, pp.1515-1524 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2003.09.022]
  3. Studies of Boiling Chaos: a review, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.47, No.6-7, March 2004, pp.1105 - 1128 [DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2003.09.024]
  4. Chaos in Bubbling – Nonlinear Analysis and Modelling-, [coauthor(s): Renauld Mosdorf], Chem. Eng. Sci, vol.58, No.18, pp.3837-3846(2003) [DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2509(03)00299-9]
  5. Thermal Convection in a Porous Natural Circulation Loop, [coauthor(s): Yu Yan Jiang], J. Heat Transfer, vol125, No.4, pp.612-623, 2003.[DOI: 10.1115/1.1571846]
  6. Flow Stability in a Natural Circulation Loop:Influences of Wall Thermal Conductivity, [coauthor(s): Yu Yan Jiang], Nuc. Eng. Design, vol.222, pp 16-28, 2003.[DOI: 10.1016/S0029-5493(02)00393-X]
  7. Wettability – Methods of Evaluation and Importance in Thermal-Fluid Phenomena -Thermal Science and Engineering, Vol.10, No.6, pp.11-14, 2003.
  8. Boiling Features on Artificial Surfaces, [coauthor(s): Lei Zhang], Fifth International Conference on Boiling Heat Transfer(招待基調講演), 2003, Montogo Bay, Jamaica, May 6, 2003.
  9. Characteristics of Water Flow in a Vertical Micro Tube, [coauthor(s): Xiaoping Wang and Makoto Watanabe], 1st International Conference on Microchannels and Minichanells, ICMM-1081 , pp.643-650, April 24-25, 2003, Rochester, USA.[DOI: 10.1115/ICMM2003-1081]
  10. Fluctuation Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Splitting at a Vertical T- junction, [coauthor(s): Shuang Feng Wang and Mamoru Ozawa], Proc. of the UK-Japan Two-Phase Flow Seminar, England, University of Surrey, Guildford, England:http://www.surrey.ac.uk/eng/cpe/UKJapan/, Apri14-15, 2003,
  11. Thermal Model and Reaction of Human Body in Water Immersion, [coauthor(s): Chong Hwang Lean], 5th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, P.42, CD-ROM, Hawaii , March 16-20, 2003.
  12. Nucleation Site Interaction in Pool Boiling – Experimental Study by Employing Artificial Boiling Surface-, [coauthor(s): Lei Zhang], 5th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, P.79, CD-ROM, Hawaii, March 16-20, 2003.
  13. Thermal Convection in a Porous Natural Circulation Loop, [coauthor(s): Yu-yan Jiang and Makoto Watanabe], 5th ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, P.229, CD-ROM, Hawaii, March 16-20, 2003.
  14. Nucleation Site Interaction in Pool Boiling on the Artificial Surface, [coauthor(s): Lei Zhang], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.46(2003), pp.513-522. [DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00291-0]
  15. Nonlinear Analysis on Fluctuation Features of Two-phase Flow Through a T-junction, [coauthor(s): Shuang Feng Wang], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer., Vo.46(2003)1519-1528.[DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00455-6]
  16. Thermodynamics Bifurcation of Boiling Structure, [coauthor(s): Li Hei Chai], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol.45, No.23, 2002, pp.4675-4682.[DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00120-5]
  17. Fluctuation Characteristics of Two-Phase Flow Splitting at a Vertical T-junction, [coauthor(s): Shuang Feng Wang], J. Multiphase Flow, Vol.28, No.12, pp.2007-2016 (2002)[DOI: 10.1016/S0301-9322(02)00104-0]
  18. Features of Boiling on an Artificial Surface – Bubble Formation, Wall Temperature Fluctuation and Nucleation Site Interaction –, [coauthor(s): R.Mosdorf, Lei Zhang, Yuto Takagi, Koji Yasui and Masanori Yokota], First International Symposium on Thermal Science and Engineering, Beijing, China, October 23-26, 2002, pp.G293-302.
  19. Dynamic behavior of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Splitting at a T-junction, [coauthor(s): Shuang Feng Wang], Third Japan-Germany Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 25-27, 2002
  20. Boiling on an Artificial Surface – Bubbling Features and Nucleation Site Interaction –, [coauthor(s): Lei Zhang], Invited lecture at the 20th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference, Maratea Italy., June 27-29, 2002, pp. 37-42.
  21. Differential Pressure Fluctuation and New Identification Method of Two-Phase Flow Pattern, [coauthor(s): Koji Ito, Daisuke Miyazaki, and Mitsuru Inoue], Heat Transfer 2002, in CD- ROM of the 12th International Heat Transfer Conference,; in Abstract book, 06-Veron-03, Grenoble, France , August 18-23, 2002
  22. Boiling Chaos: Experiments and ModelsHEAT 2002, edited by M.E Poniewski, (2002)pp.129-142; Invited lecture at the the 3rdInternational Conference on Transport Phenomena in Multiphase Systems, Baranow Sandomierski, Poland, June 24-27, 2002
  23. Pool Boiling on an Artificial Surface- Characteristics of Bubble Formation and Nucleation Site Interaction –Fourth Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop, Kyoto, Japan , May 31 to June 2, 2002.
  24. Thermal Convection in a Porous Toroidal Thermosyphon, [coauthor(s): Yuyan Jiang], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, vol.45,(2002),pp.3459-3470. [DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(02)00062-5]
  25. Bubble Interaction in Thermal Boundary Layers, [coauthor(s): Li-Hei Chai and X.F.Peng], Tsinghua Science and Technology., Vol.7, No.2, April (2002), pp.160-164.
  26. Nonlinear Bubbling and Micro -convection at a Submerged Orifice, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.7, No.2, Aprilv (2002), pp.97-108.
  27. Spatially Selective Laser Coagulation of the Gastric Wall: A New Methodology, [coauthor(s): Atsushi Maema, Daijo Hashimoto, Sadao Yokoya, and Masatoshi Makuuchi], J. Surg. Res., Vol.103, No.1, March (2002), pp.114-120. [DOI: 10.1006/jsre.2001.6329]
  28. Self-Organization and Self-Similarity of Boiling System, [coauthor(s): Li Hei Chai], J. Heat Transfer, vol.124, No.3(2002), pp.507-515. [DOI: 10.1115/1.1470490]
  29. Boundary Condition Effects on the Flow Stability in a Toroidal Thermosyphon, [coauthor(s): Yuyan Jiang], Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow , Vol.23, No.1 (2002), pp.81-91. [DOI: 10.1016/S0142-727X(01)00141-2]
  30. Thermal-Fluid Phenomena Induced by Nanosecond-Pulse Heating of Materials in Water, [coauthor(s): Ichiro Ueno], J Heat Transfer, Vol.123, pp.1123-1132 (2001). [DOI: 10.1115/1.1409264]
  31. Nonlinear Model of Bubble Formation at a Submerged Orifice, [coauthor(s): Lei Zhang], Thermal Engineering and Science, Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Vol.9, No.1, 2001, pp.63-64.
  32. Aperiodic Bubble Formation from a Submerged Orifice, [coauthor(s): Lei Zhang], Chemical Engineering and Science, Vol.56, No.18, 2001, pp.5371-5381.[DOI: 10.1016/S0009-2509(01)00241-X]
  33. Boiling Curve – Bifurcation and Catastrophe, [coauthor(s): Li Hei Chai], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.44, No.21, 2001,pp.4175-4179. [DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(01)00059-X]
  34. Dry Patch Interaction caused by Lateral Conduction in Transition Boiling, [coauthor(s): L.H.Chai, and X.F. Peng], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.44, No.21, 2001,pp.4169-4173.. [DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(01)00060-6]
  35. Bubbling Features from a Single Artificial Cavity, [coauthor(s): Yuto Takagi], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer., Vol.44, 2001, pp.2763-2776 [DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(00)00300-8]
  36. Numerical Study of High Heat Flux Pool Boiling Heat Transfer, [coauthor(s): He Ying and Shigeo Maruyama], Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.44, 2001, pp.2357-2373. [DOI: 10.1016/S0017-9310(00)00269-6]
  37. Critical Heat Flux in Subcooled Pool Boiling, [coauthor(s): Li Jinm Sadao Yokoya, and Makoto Watanabe], Proc. Symp. On Energy Engineering in the 21 th Centry(SE2000), Begell House, NY. Wallingford UK, pp.335-342, 2000.
  38. Bubbling Features from a Single Artificial Cavity, [coauthor(s): Yuto Takagi ], Proc. 4th Japan-Korea Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Kobe, pp.421-427, 2000.
  39. Chaotic Identification of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Pattern in a Vertical Pipe, [coauthor(s): Koji Ito and Koji Fukuda], Proc. 4th Japan-Korea Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Kobe, pp.752-758, 2000.
  40. Experimental Study of Nucleation and Pressure Generation Induced by Nanosecond Laser Pulse Heating of Metal in Water", [coauthor(s): Ichiro Ueno], 5th ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, San Diego, CA., March 15-19,1999, AJTE99-6357 in the proceedings of CD-ROM.
  41. Numerical Simulation of Pool Boiling for Steady State and Transient Heating, [coauthor(s): He Ying and Shigeo Maruyama], 5 th ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, San Diego, CA. , March 15-19, 1999,AJTE99-6429 in the proceedings of CD-ROM.
  42. Boiling Chaos and Modeling",Keynote lecture at the Heat Transfer 1998, in the Proceedings of 11 th International Heat Transfer Conference, Vol.1, pp.3-21, August 23-28, 1998, Kyongju, Korea
  43. Boiling Simulator - A Simple Theoretical Model of Boiling -Keynote lecture of the 3rd International Conference on Multiphase Flow, ICMF'98, Lyon, France, June 8-12, 1998. (In the Proceedings published by CD-ROM of ICMF'98.)
  44. Nonlinear Chaotic Characteristics - Single Bubble Formation and Single Droplet Formation -2nd Pacific Rim Thermal Science and Energy Engineering Workshop(PARTSEE'98), August 19-22, 1998, Tainan, Taiwan.
  45. Nonlinear Characteristics in Dripping Faucet",5th International Workshop on Chaos/Turbulence/Complex Systems, Tsukuba, November 6, 1998.
  46. Numerical Simulation of Boiling Heat Transfer", [coauthor(s): He Ying and Shigeo Maruyama], US Engineering Foundation Conference on Convective Flow and Pool Boiling, Irsee, May 18-23, 1997.
  47. Pressure Generation by Laser Pulse Heating of Liquid metal in Water", [coauthor(s): Ichiro Ueno, Dai Kimuka, Koji Ito, Misturu Inoue ], Proc. of The International Seminar on Vapor Explosions and Explosive Eruptions, Sendai, May, pp.143-148, 1997.
  48. Laser Pulse heating of metal Surface in Water , [coauthor(s): Ichiro Ueno, Mitsuru Inoue ], Proc. 4th World Congress on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid mechanics and Thermodynamics, Vol.4, pp.2027-2033, 1997.
  49. Effects of Tube Surface Condition on Evaporation Heat Transfer, [coauthor(s): Kazunori Matsumae, Tatenori Hashimoto, Toshiaki Omori, Mitsuru Inoue], Proc. 1997 China-Japan Joint Symp. on Advanced Energy and Transportation Engineering, October 21-26, Yellow Mountain City, P.R.China, pp.58-64, 1997.
  50. Mathematical Simulation Model of Boiling –modes and chaos-", [coauthor(s): Kenichiro Tajima], US Engineering Foundation Conference on Convective Flow and Pool Boiling, Irsee., May 18-23, 1997.
  51. Nonlinear Effects and Behavior in Nucleate Boiling", [coauthor(s): Ralph Nelson, David Kenning], Proc. 4th Experimental Chaos Conference, Boca Raton, Florida, August 6-8, 1997.
  52. Experiments on Upstream Critical Heat Flux in an Uniformly Heated Vertical Tube , [coauthor(s): Sadao Yokoya, Makoto Watanabe ], Keynote Plenary lecture: Proc. 1997 China-Japan Joint Symp.on Advanced Energy and Transportation Engineering, Yellow Mountain City, P.R.China, October 21-26, pp.1-8, 1997.
  53. Theoretical Analysis of the Effect of Combining Latent Heat Packed Bed System with Nighttime Natural Ventilation in Building in Summer on Thermal Environment of Buildings", [coauthor(s): Yingping Zhang, Wei Shi, Yi Jiang, Xinshi Ge ], Proc. 1997 China-Japan Joint Symposium on Advanced Energy and Transportation Engineering, October 21-26, Yellow Mountain City, P.R.China, pp.18-27, 1997.
  54. Condition of Effective Thermal Diffusivity for Calculating the Transient Temperature Distribution of Composite Material", [coauthor(s): Yingping Zhang, Zhijun Ning, Yi Jiang ], Proc. 1997 China-Japan Joint Symp. on Advanced Energy and Transportation Engineering, Yellow Mountain City, P.R.China, pp.58-64, October 21-26, 1997.
  55. The Chaotic Indicator of Flow Pattern of Vertical Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow", [coauthor(s): Z.H.Liu, Z.G.Huang, F.Z.Guo], Proc. 2nd Japanese-German Symposium on Multi-Phase Flow, September 25-27, Tokyo, pp.65-72, 1997.
  56. Nonlinear Characteristics of Boiling Phenomena",2nd World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, Athens, Greek, July, 4-D1, 1996.
  57. Nonlinear Dynamics in Boiling Phenomena", [coauthor(s): Ralph Nelson, David Kenning], J. Heat Transfer Soc. of Japan, vol.35,No.136, pp.22-34, 1996
  58. Pressure Generation by Rapid Heating of a Metal Wire in Water", [coauthor(s): Ichiro Ueno and Mototsugu Yamazaki, ], Proc. of A Multidiciplinary Int. Seminar on Intensive Multi-phase Interactions, Santa Barbara US, June, 1996.
  59. Upstream CHF of Forced Convection Boiling in an Uniformly Heated Vertical Tube", [coauthor(s): Sadao Yokoya, Makoto Watanabe], Convective Flow Boiling, ed. by J.C.Chen, Taylor & Francis, pp.201-206, 1996.
  60. Chaos in Boiling on a Small-Size Heater", [coauthor(s): Taiji Kohno, Noriaki Negishi, Shinichi Toyoshima and Atsushi Maeda], 4th ASME-JSME Thermal Joint Conference, Mauii, US, March, vol.2, pp.225-232, 1995.
  61. Effect of Wall Thermal Conditions on Cross Flow Film Boiling Heat Transfer", [coauthor(s): Osama Montasser], US Engineering Foundation Conference on Convective Flow Boiling, Banff Canada., April 30 - May 5,V1, pp.1-6, 1995.
  62. Pressure Generation by Rapid Heating of a Metal Wire in Water", [coauthor(s): Ichiro Ueno, Mototsugu Yamasaki and Kentaro Wakamatsu], A Multidiciplinary International Seminar on Intensive Multiphase Interactions, Santa Barbara US, June, 1995.
  63. Upstream Critical Heat Flux of Forced Convection Boiling inside a Tube", [coauthor(s): Sadao Yokoya, Makoto Watanabe], US Engineering Foundation Conference on Convective Flow Boiling, Banff Canada, April 30 - May 5,V1, pp.1-6, 1995.
  64. A Model of Macrolayer Formation in Pool Boiling, [coauthor(s): Hiroshi Kuroki], 10th International Heat Transfer Conference, Brighton UK, Vol.5, 10-PB-23, pp.147-152, 1994.
  65. Experiment on Steady Pool Transition Boiling of Water on a Horizontal Copper Heated Surface, [coauthor(s): Zi Liang Huang, Sadao Yokoya], JSME Int. J. Ser.B, vol.37-4, pp.896-903, 1994.[DOI: 10.1299/jsmeb.37.896]
  66. Study of Contact Angle Hysteresis, [coauthor(s): Xiao Yi Zhang], JSME Int. J. Ser.B, Vol.37-3, pp.560-567, 1994.[DOI: 10.1299/jsmeb.37.560]
  67. Upstream Critical Heat Flux in Flow Boiling inside a Tube, [coauthor(s): Sadao Yokoya, Makoto Watanabe], German-Japanese Symposium on Multi-Phase Flow, Karsruhe Germany, Vol.2, pp.75-88, 1994.
  68. Phenomenology and Sequential Process of Small-Scale Vapor Explosion-Transient Boiling, Vapor Film Collapse and Liquid Wuperhet-, International Seminar on The Physics of Vapor Explosions, Tomakomai, pp.39-46, 1993. (English)
  69. Burnout Heat Flux on a Horizontal Ribbon, [coauthor(s): Hiroshi Suganuma and Kentaro Wakamatsu], Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Hawaii US, Vol.2, pp.1291-1297, 1993.
  70. Theoretical Analysis of Forced Convection Film Boiling Heat Transfer-Analytical Correlations for Heated Cylinders and Spheres under Uniform Wall Heat Flux and Uniform Wall Temperature Conditions-, [coauthor(s): Osama Montasser], J. Faculty of Engineering, University of Tokyo, Vol.B42-1, pp.41-56, 1993.
  71. Theoretical Analysis of Uniform Wall Heat flux and Uniform Wall Temperature Forced Convection Film Boiling Heat Transfer, [coauthor(s): Osama Montasser], 2nd JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Kitakyushu, Vol.3, pp.311-316, 1992.
  72. A Study of Steady Transition Boiling of Water -Experimental Verification of Macrolayer Evaporation Model-,US Engineering Foundation Conference on Pool and External Flow Boiling, Santa Barbara US, ASME, pp.311-316, 1992.
  73. A Numerical Simulation of Transition Boiling Heat Transfer, [coauthor(s): Shigeo Maruyama, Satoshi Shimizu, ], 2nd JSME-KSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Kitakyushu, Vol.3, pp.345-348, 1992.
  74. Calculation of Infrared Spectra by Molecular Dynamics Study, [coauthor(s): Sohei Matsumoto, Shigeo Maruyama ], Transport Phenomena, Science and Techmology, Higher Education Press, Beijing China, pp.575-580, 1992.
  75. Measurement of Liquid-Solid Contact Using Micro-Thermocouples in Pool Transition Boiling of Water on a Horizontal Copper Surface, [coauthor(s): Larry C. Witte, Sadao Yokoya, Michio Kawakami and Hiroshi Kuroki], 3rd ASME-JSME Thermal Engineering Joint Conference, Reno, Vol.2, pp.333-338, 1991.
  76. The Influence of Surface Conditions and Subcooling on Film-Transition Boiling, [coauthor(s): Larry C. Witte, Subramanian Sankaran], Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol.3, pp.280-290, 1990.[DOI: 10.1016/0894-1777(90)90003-P]
  77. Liquid Solid Contact and Effects of Surface Roughness and Wettability in Film and Transition Boiling on a Horizontal Copper Surface, [coauthor(s): Larry C. Witte, Sadao Yokoya and Masamichi Ohshima], 9th Int. Heat Transfer Conference, Israel, Vol.5, 1-BO-23, pp.135-140, 1990.
  78. Small-Scale Vapor Explosion of Molten Tin in Thermally Stratified Water, [coauthor(s): Niro Takagi], 12th International Colloqium on Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems, Michigan , p.178, 1989.
  79. The Effect of Liquid Subcooling and Surface Conditions on Film-Transition Boiling, [coauthor(s): Kuh H. Chan, Sabramanian Sankaran and Larry C. Witte], Int. Symposium of Phase Change Heat Transfer, Chongqing China, May, pp.117-122, 1988.
  80. The Effect of Liquid Subcooling and Surface Roughness on Film/Transition Boiling, [coauthor(s): Larry C. Witte, Sabramanian Sankaran], Preprint of Heat Transfer Division of ASME , HTD-96, Vol.2, pp.667-673, 1988.
  81. The Effect of Liquid Subcooling and Surface Characteristics on Film-Transition Boiling, [coauthor(s): Larry C. Witte, Sabramanian Sankaran and Kuh H. Chang], Int. Symposium of Phase Change Heat Transfer, Chongqing China, May, pp.117-122, 1988
  82. Effects of Size and End Conditins of a Heated Surface upon Minimum Film Boiling, [coauthor(s): Akiyasu Okamoto, Yutaka Kaneko and Miki Kawada], JSME International Journal, Vol.30, No.268, pp.1587-1594, 1987.[DOI: 10.1299/jsme1987.30.1587]
  83. Thermal Interaction When a Cold Volatile Liquid Droplet Impinges on a Hot Liquid Surface, [coauthor(s): Niro Takagi], Bulletin of JSME, Vol.29, No.250, 1986, pp.1183-1187.[DOI: 10.1299/jsme1958.29.1183]
  84. Small-Scale Vapor Explosions on a Surface of Stationary Molten Tin Cooled by Flowing Water, [coauthor(s): Niro Takagi], Bulletin JSME, Vol.27, No.228, pp.1152-1158, 1984.[DOI: 10.1299/jsme1958.27.1152]
  85. Heat Transfer from a Heated Surface to an Impinging Subcooled Droplet -Heat Transfer Characteristics in Non-Wetting Regime-, [coauthor(s): Takao Wakunaga and Ken Kodama], Heat Transfer, Japanese Research, John-Wiley, Vol.13, No.3, pp.50-67, 1984.
  86. An Experimental Study of Small-Scale Vapor Explosions for Molten Tin Drpped into Water, [coauthor(s): Niro Takagi], Bulletin JSME, Vol.26, No.215, pp.791-796, 1983.[DOI: 10.1299/jsme1958.26.791]
  87. A Theoretical Study of Pressure Dependence of Minimum Film Boiling for Saturated liquids on a Horizontal Heated Surface, [coauthor(s): Niro Takagi], Heat Transfer, Japanese Research, John-Wiley, Vol.12, No.1, pp. 34-47, 1983
  88. Principal Mechanism of Micro-Liquid-Layer Formation on a Solid Surface with a Growing Bubble in Nucleate Boiling, [coauthor(s): Yoshiro Katto], Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.13, No.7, pp.1299-1311, 1970. [DOI: 10.1016/0017-9310(70)90071-2]

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